《埃及十字架的秘密》——TheEgyptianCrossMystery(1932) 《美國槍的秘密》—— The American Gun Mystery(1933) 《暹羅連體人的秘密》—— The Siamese Twin Mystery(1933) 《中國橘子的秘密》(中國橙的秘密)—— The Chinese
Translation: Deities in Cross-Cultural Discourse in the Biblical World (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2008, 2010), p. 246. Moses theEgyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western
Negest"),該法典曾作為埃塞俄比亞法律的憲法基礎——在那裡他被稱為阿布利德斯(Abulides)。在20世紀初,名為《埃及教會法》("TheEgyptian Church Order")的作品被認定為《使徒傳統》("Apostolic Tradition"),並歸於希坡律陀的著作;目前這一歸屬受到激烈爭議。
Dhammapada, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Tacitus, Talmud, New and Old Testaments, Apostolic and Early Church Fathers (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Harrison, R.K., The Dead
Cumont, one of the greatest students of Mithraism, theorized that the roots of the Roman mystery religion were in ancient Iran. He identified the ancient Aryan