XIX – The Sun XX – Judgement XXI – The World Giles, Cynthia. The Tarot: History, Mystery, and Lore. New York: Simon & Schuster. 1994: 46. ISBN 0-671-89101-4
Initiation of the Pyramid)。 《塔羅牌:塔羅牌神秘起源的秘密智慧集》(The Tarot: A Collection of Secret Wisdom from Tarot's Mystical Origins)。 《有史以來最偉大的演講——曼利·P·霍爾》(The Greatest
The Mystery of the Golden Blossom. Glorian Publishing. 2003 [1971]. ISBN 0-9742755-2-2. Aun Weor, Samael. The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and