National Federation of Cypriots in GreatBritain and the Association of Greek Orthodox Communities of GreatBritain. "Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity, 19 October 2010 Ovendale, Ritchie. Review of Power in Europe? GreatBritain, France, Italy and Germany in a Postwar World, 1945-1950, , ; Histoire
Plantations;取代貿易眾卿)雖然並無組成樞密院委員會,但仍為一獨立機構,並聯同南方事務大臣(英语:Secretary of State for the SouthernDepartment)負責殖民地事務,尤其是英屬美洲。機構到後期長時間不再活躍,更在1761年陷入混亂。1768年,殖民地大臣(英语:Secretary
Affairs) SouthernDepartment(英语:SouthernDepartment (GreatBritain)) 1660–1768 Secretaries(英语:Secretary of State for the SouthernDepartment) Undersecretaries