Witches) 1985年:長頸鹿、小鵜兒和我(TheGiraffe and the Pelly and Me) 1988年:瑪蒂達(Matilda),或譯《小魔女》 1989年:喂咕嗚愛情咒(Esio Trot) 1991年:The Minpins 1991年:The Vicar of Nibbleswicke
stopping a story to say the phrase "and I oop" after accidentally hitting himself in the testes. April theGiraffe – A reticulated giraffe who had two of her
Challenge The Story So Far - Documentary, Granada for BBC, aired by BBC 27 December 27, 2008, 14:15 The Graham Norton Show: the 15 funniest guests. The Telegraph