366–369 World output, the large bulk of which is attributed to Roman silvermining and smelting activities (in Central Europe, Britain, the Balkans, Greece
underground mining operations to return to full capacity, adding the mine would only produce 80 percent of its targeted output of copper, gold and silver concentrate
及後至翰林院庶吉士^{1}。此后他被湖南政府聘为采矿和冶金工程师,任职至1909年。1909年至1912年,他任湖南官办的设在长沙的黑铅炼厂(Lead and Silver Smelting Works)总工程师。该厂是中国人自办的首家采用科学冶炼技术的炼铅厂,至1925年前后仍在运营。1912年他出任广东政府的总