American Cheese, or Kraft Super Blend Pasteurized Process Cheese Food have taken their permanent place among creamy cheese dishes — cheese soups, cheese spreads
古巴三文治,是火腿芝士三文治(英语:ham and cheese sandwich)的一種,源自於美國佛羅里達州坦帕或基韋斯特古巴裔工人經常光顧的小食店。主要成分包括:古巴麵包(英语:Cuban bread)、火腿、烤豬肉、瑞士芝士、醃黃瓜和芥末,有時亦會加上莎樂美腸、生菜或番茄。 Three Guys
天下文化. 2014. ISBN 978-986-320-541-8 (中文(臺灣)). Dawson, Jim. Who Cut the Cheese?: A Cultural History of the Fart. Ten Speed Press. 1999 [2007-10-07]. ISBN 9781580080118
at around 300-nm. The reactivation surface area of highly porous "Swiss-cheese" particles is about 26% higher than a sphere. The morphologies of dust grains