种族隔离种族隔离(英語:Racial segregation),指在日常生活中,按照不同种族将人群分割开来,使得各种族不能同时使用公共空间或者服务。种族隔离可能是法律规定的,也可能是无法律规定但事实存在的。不论种族隔离是平等隔离,还是不平等隔离,实质上均是一种种族歧视行为。在種族隔離制度下,人民所能擁有的權利是依照其種族背景來劃分。
美国种族隔离(原始内容存档于2019-09-23). Harvard Sitkoff, The Struggle for Black Equality (2008) Judy L. Hasday, The Civil Rights Act of 1964: An End to Racial Segregation (2007).
美国的种族与犯罪1325. (原始内容存档于2020-07-08) (英语). Feldmeyer, Ben. The Effects of Racial/Ethnic Segregation on Latino and Black Homicide. The Sociological Quarterly. September
布朗訴托皮卡教育局案Congress, ratification by the states, then-existing practices in racial segregation, and the views of proponents and opponents of the Amendment. This
人類季刊 While the IAAEE scientists were deep into the fight to preserve racial segregation in the American South, they were also involved in a battle on a different