[2021-01-05]. At least 150 "f" words 含有連結內容需訂閱查看的頁面 (link) PluggedIn (编). The Fighter (2010). PluggedIn (fbombs). 2010 [2023-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-09). Close
tradition I was brought up in and I cannot escape those early influences.” Sympathy for the Devil by Adam R. Holz. PluggedIn Online. [14 September 2013]
Chinese-American Gangs in the U.S.. NextShark. 2018-04-15 [2020-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24) (美国英语). Leutz, Ryan. China Mac talks to Plugged Soundz about his
(原始内容存档于April 2, 2015). Waliszewski, Bob. Stripped Album Review. PluggedIn(英语:PluggedIn). Focus on the Family. [2016-06-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-10). Taylor