新真骨鱼亚群Ricardo; et al. The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes. PLOS Currents Tree of Life . 2013, (Edition 1). doi:10.1371/currents .tol
鴷翠鳥類Reweaving the Tapestry: a Supertree of Birds. PLOS Currents Tree of Life . 2014 Jun 9. Edition 1. doi:10.1371/currents .tol.c1af68dda7c999ed9f1e4b2d2df7a08e
燧鲷目Grande, G. Arratia & G. Ortí. 2013. The tree of life and a new classification of bony fishes. PLoS Currents Tree of Life (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). 2013 Apr 18. Froese
輻鰭魚綱 G. & Ortí, G. The tree of life and a new classification of bony fishes. PLOS Currents Tree of Life (英语:PLOS Currents Tree of Life ). 2013-04-18 [2021-08-11]
鱗魨亞目Grande, G. Arratia & G. Ortí. 2013. The tree of life and a new classification of bony fishes. PLoS Currents Tree of Life (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). 2013 Apr 18.