2018年,諾蘭監督斯坦利·库布里克《2001太空漫遊》(1968年)的70毫米膠卷(英语:70 mm film)新版,由原始攝像機負片(英语:Originalcameranegative)製作,並由他在第71屆坎城影展作引見。《今日美國》注意到影展觀眾迎接這位導演「就像(見到)搖滾明星一樣起立歡呼」。一年後,諾
National Parks, 1992. Ansel Adams: Classic Images, 1986. 技术手册 The Camera, 1995. The Negative, 1995. The Print, 1995. Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs
users to create videos by scripting the dialog and choosing from a menu of camera angles and predesigned CGI characters and scenes. Though originally designed
Journalism. Twenty-First Century Books. 2000: 89. ISBN 0761315020. OriginalNegative of the Noticiero ICAIC Lationamericano. [2010-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-12)