摩爾多瓦農業黨(英语:Agrarian Party of Moldova)(Partidul Agrar din Moldova) 羅馬尼亞人團結聯盟(Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor) 基督徒民主人民黨(英语:Christian-Democratic People's Party (Moldova))(Partidul
101 Gibbons 1999,第25頁: «the PNV, a Basque nationalist and Christian democraticparty» El PNV aboga por una Europa federal sin Estados-Nación. 2013-03-24
Christian democratic and, even more strongly, economically liberal elements. Resende, Madalena Meyer. Catholicism and Nationalism: Changing Nature of Party Politics
what was becoming known as the political right, and the democratic wing of the Republican Party on the left, associated with New York Governor George Clinton