mosque in Islam after the Kaaba in Mecca and is third in holiness after the mosques in Mecca and Medina. It holds up to 400,000 worshippers at one time.
throughout its length, attaining its greatest widths, 40 to 50 miles, south of Medina and south of Mecca. The name Tihāmah, used for the whole plain, is sometimes
薩拉特·錢德拉·達斯為了替英國蒐集情報,1879年獲得扎什倫布寺攝政第四世生欽活佛的邀請前往西藏,1881年再次入藏,在拉薩見到了第十三世達賴喇嘛。他於1902年出版的《Journeyto Lhasa and Central Tibet》(《拉薩和衛藏之旅》)中的照片包括人物、藏傳佛教、風景以及天葬。皮特·里弗斯博物館亞洲館館
Curtis pre-production Teen Patti Perci Trachtenberg post-production JourneytoMecca 旁白 聲演 2010 《波斯王子:超時空之戰》 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Nizam 《隔離島》