(帮助) CAVE STORY, Games - NICALIS. [2013-01-19]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-14). JohnPolson. Cave Story Dev Daisuke Amaya on Rockfish and iOS Development. IndieGames
spatialities of social movements activities (PDF). Polson.cals.cornell.edu. 2003 [2021-12-10]. Mervin, John. In Peru water is a high price for Lima's poor
Ascii Dreams Roguelike of the Year. [2013-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-09). Polson, John. 168 devs saved by the grace of Greenlight in October, Steam Halloween
約翰·麥克洛伊 John C. McCloy 藥廠CEO,涅科維奇為其公司研究人員,「奇美拉」實際擁有者。 理查·羅森堡 Richard Roxburgh 休·史坦普 Hugh Stamp 西恩老友兼副手,質疑奈亞接近西恩的動機而處處提防;劫機行動中,曾偽裝機長。 約翰·波爾森(英语:JohnPolson) John