左翼党(斯洛維尼亞語:Levica)是斯洛文尼亚的一个左翼政党。该党成立于2017年6月24日,由争取民主社会主义倡议(英语:InitiativeforDemocraticSocialism)与斯洛文尼亚争取生态社会主义和可持续发展党—TRS(斯洛維尼亞語:Stranka za ekosocializem
İlk Ben Yola Çıktım [Ethem the Circassian defends himself: I Took the Initiativefor the Homeland]. Radikal (Istanbul). 9 November 2014 (土耳其语). Salihoğlu
Economic Development Initiativefor Northern Ontario) 加拿大大西洋地區商機局 魁北克地區經濟發展局 西部經濟多元化部 聯邦南安大略經濟發展局(英语:Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario)
Kyriakos. The European Union in Crisis : Explorations in Representation and Democratic Legitimacy. Springer. 2014: 46. ISBN 9783319087740. Carolan, Ciara. Qatargate:
Better Living Through World Government: Transnationalism as 21st Socialism. Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies. [2014-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-31)