Murphy. "During the Free State Period, the Independent was characterized by a triumphalist strain of Catholicism, virulent anti-Communism and support for
Santa Faz),或簡稱為帕爾馬爾教會,以及直接音譯為帕爾瑪利安教會。是一個自天主教會分裂的新興宗教,屬於獨立天主教會(英语:IndependentCatholicism)的一支,其創始者克萊門特·多明格斯·戈梅斯(英语:Clemente Domínguez y Gómez)(Clemente Domínguez
)的傳說,及一些新奧爾良地區的傳說等一些屬於伏都教與民俗天主教(英语:Folk Catholicism)的傳說之間,有相似之處。 THE DEVIL'S MINER . The Mountain. Independent Lens. [2013-04-12]. (原始内容存档于11 April 2014)
The Church. John Knox press: 1980, p.229 Adam, Karl. The Spirit of Catholicism Doubleday & C°, Inc: 1957 p. 20 "Apostolic Succession" in ''The Columbia