$100 million, an almost inconceivable amount for such an early film. Wasko, Janet. D.W. Griffiths and the banks: a case study in film financing. Kerr, Paul
Cage在名人資料庫(NNDB) World Trade Center Interview with Nicolas Cage (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) From IGN FilmForce Nicolas Cage Ghost Rider video interview with stv.tv/movies
series))》 《The Strange Eyes of Dr. Myes》 《555》 《Inconceivable》 《Junior》 《Let Me Die a Nun》 《泥沼(英语:Mudbound (film))》(強納森·班克斯、瑪麗·布萊姬、傑森·克拉克、蓋瑞特·荷德倫、傑森·米切爾(英语:Jason