(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "Australian Memories Of The Holocaust" (history), Glossary, definition of "Nazi" (party), N.S.W. Board of Jewish Education, New South Wales、Australia
國家社會主義德國工人黨(德語:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei,縮寫為NSDAP),簡稱國社黨,通稱納粹黨(英語:Nazi Party),舊譯南尖黨,是20世紀前半葉的一個德國極右翼政黨,創立於魏瑪共和時代,前身為於1919年創立的德國工人黨,於1920年更名。首任領
Education in NaziGermany. Oxford; New York: Berg. 2011 [2010]. ISBN 978-1-84520-265-1. Poles: Victims of the Nazi Era: The Invasion and Occupation of Poland
direct defiance of the law (Verbotsgesetz), Nazi ideology or measures such as the denial, playing-down, approval or justification ofNazi mass murder, especially
insignia of the Heer (1935–1945)) 納粹德國軍階對照表(英语:Comparative ranks ofNaziGermany) 親衛隊成員列表(英语:List of SS personnel) 納粹德國詞彙表(英语:GlossaryofNaziGermany) 二战德国国防军陆军军衔对照翻译