194枚洲际弹道导弹,是世界最大規模的空中作戰力量。 根據創建美國空軍1947年國家安全法(61 Stat . 502): In general, the United States Air Force shall include aviation forces both combat and service not
太空軍作戰部長 (Chief of Space Operations) 太空軍總軍士長 (Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Space Force) 太空軍作戰副部長 (Vice Chief of Space Operations) 太空軍總參謀長 (Director of
Inventories, and Work Force, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1960 Philip M. Morse, George E. Kimball, Methods of Operations Research, New York, MIT
歐盟軍事行動列表(英语:Military operations of the European Union)(Military operations of the European Union) 歐洲軍團(Eurocorps) 歐盟國家憲兵(英语:European Gendarmerie Force)(European
Purpose Force. AMERICAN SPECIAL OPS.COM. [2013-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-26). US Marine Corps' Maritime Special Purpose Force. Special Operations.Com. [2013-07-01]