rats. Nguyen, Kim Thoa; Virus, Cornelia; Günnewich, Nils; Hannemann, Frank; Bernhardt, Rita. Changing the Regioselectivity of a P450 from C15 to C11 Hydroxylation
2017年3月,柔佛王儲东姑依斯迈上任馬來西亞足總主席一職,王金瑞隨即被安排執掌馬來西亞22歲以下國家足球隊,取代執教兩年的德國籍教練弗兰克(英语:FrankBernhardt)。2017年,馬來西亞舉辦東運會,他率隊闖入決賽(英语:2017年东南亚运动会足球比赛),最終敗於泰國隊(英语:Thailand national
Grayflower Publications. 1965. OCLC 7185705 (英语). Bernhardt L. Mortensen. Rabaul and Cape Gloucester. Wesley Frank Craven; James Lea Cate (编). The Pacific: Guadalcanal
between 1927–52 debunking the myth, starting with the 2nd edition of Albert Bernhardt Faust's The German Element in the United States, at Vol. II, pp. 652–56