chapter 40 for Gibbon's account of Theodora.) Bury, J. B. "The Later Roman Empire". (Volume 2 deals with the reign ofJustinian and Theodora) Procopius The
治。普爾喀麗逝于453年11月11日。她与其丈夫被天主教会和东正教会尊为圣人。 Geoffrey Greatrex, “Pulcheria (Wifeof the Emperor Marcian) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),” in De Imperatoribus Romanis, 2004
89,书中解释说埃迪奥斯图谋篡夺他死去的哥哥利奥四世留下的皇位。 Garland书中称她为who never lost sight of political power in the height of her religious zeal。 见Academic American Encyclopedia - Page