89,书中解释说埃迪奥斯图谋篡夺他死去的哥哥利奥四世留下的皇位。 Garland书中称她为who never lost sight of political power in the height of her religious zeal。 见Academic American Encyclopedia - Page
Elizabeth. Women Where They Ought Not to Be? Revising the View of the Medieval World. Journal of Women's History. 2004, 16 (1): 183–189. S2CID 144044065. doi:10
London: University of Chicago Press. 2001: 100–102. ISBN 9780226260945. Hurley, D. (1999). "Livia (Wife of Augustus)." Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
亚美尼亚的菲莉帕(英语:Philippa of Armenia) 库特奈的玛利亚(英语:Maria of Courtenay) 伊琳妮·拉斯卡丽娜 霍亨施陶芬的安娜(英语:Anna of Hohenstaufen) 保加利亚的埃莱娜·阿森尼娜(英语:ElenaAseninaofBulgaria) 狄奥多拉·巴列奥略娜(英语:Theodora