record of the greatest empire in the historyof the world ed.. London: Rankin. 1900: 25. Mackenzie, W. Douglas; Stead, Alfred. SouthAfrica: Its History, Heroes
Court ofSouthAfrica)在豪登省的比勒陀利亞和約翰內斯堡設有法院,其為一個對該省擁有一般管轄權的高級法院。約翰內斯堡也是南非最高法院憲法法院、勞工法院(英语:Labour Court ofSouthAfrica)以及勞工上訴法院(英语:Labour Appeal Court of South
Henderson, W. O. (1943). "The War Economy of German East Africa, 1914-1917". The EconomicHistory Review. EconomicHistory Society. 13 (1/2): 104–10. doi:10.2307/2590519