中介語 Second Language Acquisition (pp. 217–243). Rowley, MA: Newbury House. Rampton, B. (1995). Crossing: Language and Ethnicity Among Adolescents. London :
金正恩著作KCNA. 2019-01-01. (原始内容存档于2019-01-17) (韩语). Second National Conference of Primary Information Workers of Party Held. Naenara. 2019-03-09 [2019-05-30]
纽约and Film Institute),在纽约大学则有帝许艺术学院(英语:Tisch School of the Arts),而中央公園夏日舞台(英语:Central Park SummerStage )则提供免費的戲劇和音樂演出。 旅游业是纽约最重要的产业之一,在过去五年内到访的国内外旅客达到年均4
资本主义 Shook the World: Marx's Das Kapital1st ed. London : Atlantic Books, 2006 Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. Marxists. 1916 [26 February 2008]
第一次世界大戰大事年表and the Declaration was published in the London Gazette on the following day. Foreign Office, Notice of State of War Between Great Britain and Austria-Hungary