碳税 整個減排計畫和排放保障機制將寫入碳税中,以確保政策透明度和可預測性。),此想法原則上已被非政府組織氣候領導委員會(英语:Climate Leadership Council )採納。 詹姆斯·漢森在其第一本著作《我孫輩的風暴(英语:Storms of My Grandchildren)》和一封致時
倫敦市長。他也設立了倫敦氣候變化管理局(London Climate Change Agency)、倫敦能源伙伴關係(London Energy Partnership)和國際性的大城市氣候領導組織(Large Cities Climate Leadership Group,又名C40城市氣候領導組織)。倫
魯邁莎·阿布西迪Atlantic Council . [2022-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-07) (美国英语). Rumaitha Al Busaidi. Linked-in (美国英语). Millennium Leadership Fellows. Atlantic Council . [2021-05-21]
激进中间主义 Retrieved 15 October 2017. "Unlocking the Climate Puzzle" – Ted Halstead for the Climate Leadership Council (2017). Retrieved 25 July 2018. "California
国际和平局The IPB has a co-president system that ensures a gender-balance among leadership . Each president can currently serve up to two terms of three years. Henri