(30 June 1997) 〈行政長官聲明〉(2000年6月1日) 〈政務司司長回應新聞界查詢〉(2000年6月1日) "Alloway Churchyard (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", The Scottish War Graves Project, 30 April 2011. 李彭廣(2012年),頁60至62。
(原始内容存档于2022-06-08). Ukraine is accusing Russia of war crimes. Here's what we know about the mass grave in a Bucha churchyard. ABC News. 2022-04-02 [2022-04-02] (英语).
1992: 482. ISBN 9780521437677. There was some problem about burial in the churchyard since Erwin was not a Catholic, but the priest relented when informed