天狼周James (historian))等歷史學家的質疑。 古代近東年表(英语:Chronology of the ancient Near East) 日期在公曆內緩慢變化,大約每四個世紀移動三天。現時它發生在8月初左右。 Ancient Egyptian Civil Calendar, La Via, [8
新年表 (罗尔)新年表是一份另类的近东古代年表(英语:Chronology of the ancient Near East),是由英国埃及学家大卫·罗尔(David Rohl)等学者,在1995年以《时间的考验:圣经——从神话到历史》(A Test of Time: The Bible - from Myth to
居鲁士二世(i. The clan and dynasty) Kuhrt, Amélie. 13. The Ancient Near East: C. 3000–330 BC. Routledge. 1995: 647. ISBN 0-415-16762-0. Cambridge Ancient History
內弗爾卡拉金字塔the Shadow of Bezalel. Aramaic, Biblical, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of Bezalel Porten. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 60
烏魯克古代近東城市列表(英语:List of cities of the ancient Near East) 布勞紀念碑(英语:Blau Monuments) 瓦爾卡瓶(英语:Warka Vase) 古代近東年表(英语:Chronology of the ancient Near East) 美索不達米亞地理(英语:Geography