穀米螺科Laseron (英语:Charles Francis Laseron ), 1957 Austroginella(英语:Austroginella) Laseron (英语:Charles Francis Laseron ), 1957 † Conuginella Laseron , 1957
蛆管螺科Iredale) & Laseron (英语:Charles Francis Laseron ), 1957 Strebloceratinae Bandel, 1996 本科包含以下各屬: 蛆管螺屬 Caecum Fleming, 1813 Carinocera Iredale & Laseron , 1957 Ctiloceras
珊瑚螺亞科John Swainson), 1840 Leptoconchus Rüppell, 1834 Liniaxis Laseron (英语:Charles Francis Laseron ), 1955 Magilus Montfort, 1810 Mipus de Gregorio, 1885 蕪螺屬
道格拉斯·莫森Affairs etc., personal papers of Baron Casey papers (M1129, A10299), Charles Francis Laseron , and P G Law (MP1002/1) "Sir Douglas Mawson, the unsung hero of