Democracy Fellowship)、民主研究机构网(英语:International Forum for Democratic Studies)、国际媒体援助中心(英语:CenterforInternational Media Assistance)等机构或组织的支持者和收容者。 1967年4月,美国国会议员但丁·法赛尔(英语:Dante
for a detailed comparison between the ESI 2005, the EPI 2006 and the EPI 2008. Yale Centerfor Environmental Law & Policy / CenterforInternational Earth
(原始内容 (XHTML)存档于January 22, 2013). For more data on 2008, click on the "2008" link. United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book)
[2006-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2006-02-23). Information about the combatants. CenterforInternationalPolicy. [2006-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-23). Solutions to Escape the