Netherlands over Indonesia massacre (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) NRC Handelsblad - No statute of limitations on Dutch past in Indonesia (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) RNW - Court: Dutch
ISBN 0-8014-9108-8. Kreutzer, Rudi. The Madiun Affair: Hatta's Betrayal of Indonesia's First Revolution. James Cook University. 1981. ISBN 0-86443-027-2
(link) Woodburn Kirby, S. The War Against Japan V. London: HMSO. 1965. The Battle for Surabaya. Indonesian Heritage. Editions Didier Millet. [3 August 2012]
*Fundamentals of Guerilla Warfare*. New York: Praeger, pp. 179–180. Ricklefs, M. C. The Revolution, 1945–50 (革命,1945–1950). A History of Modern Indonesia: