War of the Holy League may be further divided into the Ferrarese War (1510), the War of the Holy League proper (1511–14), an Anglo-Scottish War (1513),
法国聖但尼聖殿保存的法蘭索瓦一世的石棺上,雕刻了马里尼亚诺之战的场景。 Sforza was present at the battle, and, being the nominal employer of the Swiss, may be considered their leader. It is extremely
聖馬蒂厄角(英语:Battle of Saint-Mathieu) 諾瓦拉(英语:Battle of Novara (1513)) 吉內加特/熱刺(英语:Battle of the Spurs) 第戎(英语:Siege of Dijon) 佛洛登 莫塔(英语:BattleofLaMotta (1513)) 馬里尼亞諾