海軍(英语:Badges of the United States Navy) 太空軍(英语:Badges of the United States Space Force) 已過時軍事徽章(英语:Obsolete badges of the United States military) 勤務識別章
Partnership Capacity: Operation Harmattan and Beyond (PDF). AirandSpace Power Journal(英语:AirandSpace Power Journal) (Air Force Research Institute (AFRI)).
later sold and referred to as Betfair Hollywood Park, which was a thoroughbred race course from 1938 until it was shut down for racing andtraining in December
Ribbon)、金框(英语:gold frame) 空軍長壽服務獎(英语:Air Force Longevity Service Award) 輕武器專家槍法絲帶(英语:Marksmanship Ribbon) 空軍訓練絲帶(英语:Air Force TrainingRibbon) 國外獎項 大韓民國總統單位獎狀(英语:Republic