1859年,约瑟夫·道尔顿·胡克在其对猪笼草属的分类处理中,再次对长毛猪笼草进行了描述和绘图,其分布于《伦敦林奈学会会刊》(The Transactions of the Linnean Society)上。[注 1][8]其插图和描述还被斯宾塞·圣约翰转载至他1862年出版的专著《远东森林生活》(Life in the Forests of the Far East)中。[9]
B·H·丹瑟列出了四份被鉴定为长毛猪笼草的标本。其中包括1892年乔治·达比·哈维兰在基纳巴卢山采集的两份标本。编号为“Haviland 1656/1232”的标本采集于海拔2400米处。其含雄性花序材料,存放于沙捞越博物馆植物标本馆中。编号为“Haviland 1813/1353”的标本采集于马劳伊·帕劳伊高原海拔1650米处;其有可能为爱德华猪笼草。其也存放于沙捞越博物馆植物标本馆中。其不含花序。1892年3月至4月间,乔治·达比·哈维兰与兄弟H·A·哈维兰(H. A. Haviland)一同对基纳巴卢山地区进行了考察。这些标本极可能是在此期间采集的。[11][12]
Folia mediocria petiolata, lamina obovato-oblonga v. lanceolata, nervis longitudinalibus utrinque 2-3, vagina caulem fere totum amplectente ; ascidia rosularum ignota ; ascidia inferiora magna, breviter ovata, costis 2 ad os alatis fimbriatis ; peristomio operculum versus in collum elongato 6-12 mm lato, costis altis 3-12 mm distantibus, dentibus 1-3 x longioribus quam latis ; operculo rotundato-cordato v. paulum reniformi, facie inferiore plano ; ascidia superiora magna, parte inferiore ventricosa os versus cylindrica, costis 2 prominentibus ; peristomio operculum versus in collum elevato, 12-22 mm lato, costis altis 3-12 mm distantibus, dentibus 1-3 x longioribus quam latis ; operculo rotundato-ovato v. paulum reniformi, facie inferiore plano ; inflorescentia racemus pedicellis inferioribus 12 mm longis omnibus 1-floris ; indumentum villosum.
This most remarkable plant [N. villosa] resembles that of edwardsiana in so many respects, especially in the size, form and disposition of the distant lamellae of the mouth, that I am inclined to suspect that it may be produced by young plants of that species, before it arrives at a stage when the pitchers have elongated necks.
Kaul, R.B. 1982. Floral and fruit morphology of Nepenthes lowii and N. villosa, montane carnivores of Borneo. American Journal of Botany69(5): 793–803. doi:10.2307/2442970
Robinson, A., J. Nerz, A. Wistuba, M. Mansur & S. McPherson 2011. Nepenthes lamii Jebb & Cheek, an emended description resulting from the separation of a two-species complex, and the introduction of Nepenthes monticola, a new species of highland pitcher plant from New Guinea. In: McPherson, S.R. New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 522–555.
Kurata, S. 2008. Nepenthes peltata (Nepenthaceae), a New Species of Pitcher Plant from the Philippines. Journal of Insectivorous Plant Society59(1): 12–17. 引用错误:带有name属性“Kurata”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
Bauer, U., C.J. Clemente, T. Renner & W. Federle 2012. Form follows function: morphological diversification and alternative trapping strategies in carnivorous Nepenthes pitcher plants. Journal of Evolutionary Biology25(1): 90–102. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2011.02406.x
Beaman, J.H. & C. Anderson 2004. The Plants of Mount Kinabalu: 5. Dicotyledon Families Magnoliaceae to Winteraceae. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
Clarke, C. & J.A. Moran 2011. Incorporating ecological context: a revised protocol for the preservation of Nepenthes pitcher plant specimens (Nepenthaceae). Blumea56(3): 225–228. doi:10.3767/000651911X605781
Meimberg, H., A. Wistuba, P. Dittrich & G. Heubl 2001. Molecular phylogeny of Nepenthaceae based on cladistic analysis of plastid trnK intron sequence data. Plant Biology3(2): 164–175. doi:10.1055/s-2001-12897
Meimberg, H. & G. Heubl 2006. Introduction of a nuclear marker for phylogenetic analysis of Nepenthaceae. Plant Biology8(6): 831–840. doi:10.1055/s-2006-924676
Meimberg, H., S. Thalhammer, A. Brachmann & G. Heubl 2006. Comparative analysis of a translocated copy of the trnK intron in carnivorous family Nepenthaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution39(2): 478–490. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.11.023