2009年2月,金泰映成为了韩国20岁以下国家队(英语:South Korea nationalunder-20 footballteam)的教练,随即转任韩国23岁以下国家队(英语:South Korea nationalunder-23 footballteam)的教练。2013年开始,金泰映作为助理教练辅佐主教练洪明甫执教韩国国家足球队。
change compared to one year ago. World Football Elo Ratings. eloratings.net. 2024年10月16日 [2024年10月16日]. Under Uday, soccer was a game of life and death
The national basketball team of the Republic of China competed twice in the FIBA World Championship, both times as Formosa, but since 1960 the team had