科尔多凡语族是尼日尔-刚果语系的三个分支之一,主要语言人口位于东非苏丹中部科尔多凡地区南部的努巴山区内,是一个比较疏离的一个支系。1963年,约瑟·格林伯格(Joseph Greenberg)把它归入尼日尔-科尔多凡语系之内,与由其它尼日尔-刚果语系的语言组成的“尼日尔-刚果语族”并列[1]。今日,一般都把科尔多凡语系及其他原尼日尔-刚果语族的成员并列。尽管如此,由于科尔多凡语族的语言与其他尼日尔-刚果语系的语言少有共同之处,有些学者认为它不属于尼日尔-刚果语系,并把它与门德语族(Mande languages,又译曼德语族)放在同一个独立的分类中。科尔多凡语族的语言人口组成到现在仍有争议[2]。
Quick Facts 科尔多凡语族, 地理分布 ...
过往Tumtum语或Kadu languages亦被认为是科尔多凡语族的成员之一[3],但现时普遍已排除出外[4],而被归入尼罗-撒哈拉语系之内。
- Heiban 语支:又名 Koalib 或 Koalib-Moro
- 东部Eastern
- 中西部West-Central
- 中部Central
- Shirumba
- 西部Western
- Katla
- Rashad 语支:又名 Tegali-Tagoi
- Talodi 语支:又名 Talodi-Masakin 或 Lafofa
- Talodi Proper
- Jomang
- Nding
- Ngile-Dengebu
- Tocho
- Tegem
Thilo C. Schadeberg. 1981c. "The classification of the Kadugli language group". Nilo-Saharan, ed. by T. C. Schadeberg and M. Lionel Bender, pp. 291-305. Dordrecht: Foris Publications.
- Herman Bell. 1995. The Nuba Mountains: Who Spoke What in 1976? (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Being a study of the published results from a major project of the Institute of African and Asian Studies: the Language Survey of the Nuba Mountains.
- Roger Blench. Unpublished. Kordofanian and Niger-Congo: an evaluation of the evidence (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
- P. A. and D. N. MacDiarmid. 1931. "The languages of the Nuba Mountains." Sudan Notes and Records 14: 149-162.
- Carl Meinhof. 1915-1919. "Sprachstudien im egyptischen Sudan". Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen 9-9. "1. Tagoy." 6: 164-161. "2. Tumale". 6:182-205. "11. Tegele." 7:110-131. "12. Rashad." 7:132.
- Thilo C. Schadeberg. 1981a. A survey of Kordofanian. SUGIA Beiheft 1-2. Hamburg:Helmut Buske Verlag.
- Thilo C. Schadeberg. 1981b. "Das Kordofanische". Die Sprachen Afrikas. Band 1: Niger-Kordofanisch, ed. by Bernt Heine, T. C. Schadeberg, Ekkehard Wolff, pp. 117-28 SUGIA Beiheft 1-2. Hamburg:Helmut Buske Verlag.
- Brenda Z. Seligmann. 1910-11. "Note on the language of the Nubas of Southern Kordofan." Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen 1:167-188.
- Roland C. Stevenson. 1956-57. "A survey of the phonetics and grammatical structure of the Nuba Mountains languages, with particular reference to Otoro, Katcha, and Nyimang." Afrika und Übersee 40:73-84, 93-115; 41:27-65, 117-152, 171-196.
- A. N. Tucker and M. A. Bryan. 1956. The Non-Bantu Languages of North-Eastern Africa. (Handbook of African Languages, Part III.) Oxford University Press: London.
- A. N. Tucker and M. A. Bryan. 1966. Linguistic Analyses/The Non-Bantu Languages of North-Eastern Africa. (Handbook of African Languages.) Oxford University Press: London.
- Lorenz Tutschek. 1848. "Über die Tumale-Sprache." Gelehrte Anzeigen, herausgegeben von Mitgliedern der k. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Nrs. 91-93; Spalten 729-52. (=Bulletin der königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Nrs. 29-31.)
- Lorenz Tutschek. 1848-50. "On the Tumali language". Proceedings of the Philological Society for 1846-47 and 1847-48. Vol 3:239-54. Proceedings of the Philological Society for 1848-49 and 1849-50. Vol. 4:138-9.