“郡市”(英语:Districts and Cities),是纽西兰的二级行政区划,由“区域当局”(Territorial Authority)管辖。现今纽西兰共有67个区域当局,包括13个市议会、53个郡议会、及查塔姆群岛议会。其中6个区域当局(奥克兰议会、吉斯伯恩郡议会、塔斯曼郡议会、尼尔逊市议会、马尔伯勒郡议会、及查塔姆群岛议会)除了本身的职权外,同时也具有“区议会”(Regional Council,纽西兰的一级行政区划)的功能,因此亦称为“单一管理区当局”(Unitary Authority)。纽西兰域外领土是不在地方政府管辖范围内的离岛,包括克马德克群岛、三王群岛及亚南极群岛,直接由中央政府的环境保护部管辖。

- 备注
- 区域永续发展。
- 供应基础设施,包括供水、污水、排水及道路。
- 环境安全及卫生管理、区域性应急管理和民防准备、建筑管理、公共健康检查。
- 土地用途管理、噪音管理及湖泊河川活动管理。
- 郡议会(District Council)
- 市议会(City Counil)
郡市 | 面积 (km²) | 人口 | 地方 |
远北郡(Far North District) | 7,505 | 58,400 | 北地(Northland) |
法纳雷郡(Whangarei District) | 3,314 | 80,800 | 北地(Northland) |
凯帕拉(Kaipara District) | 3,122 | 19,100 | 北地(Northland) |
奥克兰(Auckland) | 5,600 | 1,507,700 | 奥克兰(Auckland) |
泰晤士-科罗曼德郡(Thames-Coromandel District) | 3,193 | 27,000 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
豪拉基郡(Hauraki District) | 1,186 | 18,750 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
怀卡托郡(Waikato District) | 4,506 | 64,700 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
玛塔玛塔-皮雅库郡(Matamata-Piako District) | 1,755 | 32,000 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
汉密尔顿市(Hamilton City) | 94 | 148,200 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
怀帕郡(Waipa District) | 1,473 | 46,200 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
南怀卡托郡(South Waikato District) | 1,814 | 22,700 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
奥托罗昂格郡(Otorohanga District) | 2,063 | 9,350 | 怀卡托(Waikato) |
怀托莫郡(Waitomo District) | 3,551 | 9,540 | 怀卡托(Waikato):94.87% 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui):5.13% |
陶波郡(Taupo District) | 6,955 | 34,300 | 怀卡托(Waikato):73.74% 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty):14.31% 霍克湾(Hawke's Bay):11.26% 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui):0.69% |
西普伦蒂湾郡(Western Bay of Plenty District) | 2,120 | 45,700 | 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty) |
陶朗加市(Tauranga City) | 168 | 116,400 | 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty) |
奥波蒂基郡(Opotiki District) | 3,098 | 8,710 | 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty) |
旺卡塔尼郡(Whakatane District) | 4,441 | 34,400 | 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty) |
罗托鲁瓦郡(Rotorua District) | 2,614 | 68,700 | 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty):61.52% 怀卡托(Waikato):38.48% |
凯瓦劳郡(Kawerau District) | 22 | 6,900 | 普伦蒂湾(Bay of Plenty) |
吉斯伯恩郡(Gisborne District) | 8,351 | 46,700 | 吉斯伯恩(Gisborne) |
怀罗瓦郡(Wairoa District) | 4,124 | 8,140 | 霍克湾(Hawke's Bay) |
黑斯廷斯郡(Hastings District) | 5,218 | 75,500 | 霍克湾(Hawke's Bay) |
纳皮尔市(Napier City) | 106 | 57,800 | 霍克湾(Hawke's Bay) |
中霍克湾郡(Central Hawke's Bay District) | 3,324 | 13,350 | 霍克湾(Hawke's Bay) |
新普利茅斯郡(New Plymouth District) | 2,225 | 74,200 | 塔拉那基(Taranaki) |
斯特拉福德郡(Stratford District) | 2,161 | 9,220 | 塔拉那基(Taranaki):68.13% 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui):31.87% |
南塔拉纳基郡(South Taranaki District) | 3,577 | 26,900 | 塔拉那基(Taranaki) |
鲁阿佩胡郡(Ruapehu District) | 6,730 | 13,150 | 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui) |
朗吉蒂基郡(Rangitikei District) | 4,476 | 14,600 | 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui):86.37% 霍克湾(Hawke's Bay):13.63% |
旺阿努伊地郡(Wanganui District) | 2,372 | 43,200 | 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui) |
马纳瓦图郡(Manawatu District) | 2,628 | 27,700 | 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui) |
北帕默斯顿市(Palmerston North City) | 337 | 85,300 | 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui) |
塔拉鲁瓦郡(Tararua District) | 4,367 | 17,550 | 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui):98.42% 惠灵顿(Wellington):1.58% |
侯罗法努郡(Horowhenua District) | 1,066 | 30,700 | 马纳瓦图-旺加努伊(Manawatu-Wanganui) |
马斯特顿郡(Masterton District) | 2,298 | 23,500 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
卡皮蒂海岸郡(Kapiti Coast District) | 733 | 49,900 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
卡特顿郡(Carterton District) | 1,181 | 7,730 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
南怀拉拉帕郡(South Wairarapa District) | 2,452 | 9,400 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
上哈特市(Upper Hutt City) | 542 | 41,600 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
波里鲁阿市(Porirua City) | 182 | 53,000 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
哈特市(Hutt City) | 377 | 102,700 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
惠灵顿市(Wellington City) | 289 | 202,200 | 惠灵顿(Wellington) |
郡市 | 面积 (km²) | 人口 | 地方 |
塔斯曼郡(Tasman District) | 9,786 | 48,400 | 塔斯曼(Tasman) |
尼尔逊市(Nelson City) | 445 | 46,600 | 纳尔逊(Nelson) |
马尔伯勒郡(Marlborough District) | 12,484 | 45,700 | 马尔伯勒(Marlborough) |
布勒郡(Buller District) | 7,950 | 10,150 | 西岸(West Coast) |
格雷郡(Grey District) | 3,516 | 13,850 | 西岸(West Coast) |
西地郡(Westland District) | 11,870 | 8,900 | 西岸(West Coast) |
凯库拉郡(Kaikoura District) | 2,050 | 3,790 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
胡鲁努伊(Hurunui District) | 8,661 | 11,500 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
时运郡(Selwyn District) | 6,557 | 42,300 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
怀玛卡哩哩(Waimakariri District) | 2,216 | 49,200 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
基督城市(Christchurch City) | 1,610 | 363,200 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
阿什伯顿郡(Ashburton District) | 6,208 | 30,600 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
麦肯兹郡(Mackenzie District) | 7,442 | 4,090 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
蒂马鲁郡(Timaru District) | 2,726 | 44,900 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
怀玛特郡(Waimate District) | 3,577 | 7,660 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury) |
怀塔基郡(Waitaki District) | 7,212 | 20,900 | 坎特伯雷(Canterbury):59.61% 奥塔哥(Otago):40.39% |
皇后镇-湖郡(Queenstown-Lakes District) | 9,368 | 29,200 | 奥塔哥(Otago) |
中奥塔哥郡(Central Otago District) | 9,966 | 18,550 | 奥塔哥(Otago) |
达尼丁市(Dunedin City) | 3,340 | 126,900 | 奥塔哥(Otago) |
库鲁发郡(Clutha District) | 6,406 | 17,350 | 奥塔哥(Otago) |
南地郡(Southland District) | 32,605 | 29,800 | 南地(Southland) |
戈尔郡(Gore District) | 1,251 | 12,250 | 南地(Southland) |
因弗卡吉尔市(Invercargill City) | 491 | 52,900 | 南地(Southland) |
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