新英格兰镇(英语:New England town)是美国新英格兰当地政府组成的基本单元。在美国其他的州中并没有相对应的单元,概念上大概与“市民镇区”(civil township)相同,但却是“团体组织”(Incorporation),和其他州的城市拥有相同的权力。通常新英格兰镇是由镇民大会管理的。事实上新英格兰所有的全体自治市都是镇一般大小的规模,美国其他地方使用的法定形式在这里反而并不常见。新英格兰州的县政府是相当没有权利的,有些时候甚至根本就不存在。比如康涅狄格州[1]和罗德岛州[2]只是拥有名义上的地理区划“县”,而根本没有对应的政府,而麻萨诸塞州[3]原来的14个县中有8个已经被废除了。
Connecticut State Register and Manual, Section VI: Counties. Connecticut Secretary of the State. [2010-01-23]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-27). THERE ARE NO COUNTY SEATS IN CONNECTICUT. County government was abolished effective October 1, 1960; counties continue only as geographical subdivisions.
Facts & History. [2010-01-23]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-23). Rhode Island has no county government. It is divided into 39 municipalities, each having its own form of local government.
Joseph Francis Zimmerman. The New England Town Meeting: Democracy in Action. 1999 [2010-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-23). The only other currently assembled voters' law-making body is the Swiss Landsgemeinde in the half-cantons of AppenzellInner-Rhoden and Out-Rhoden, Nidwalden, Obwalden, and the canton of Glarus, where the traditional annual open-air meeting of voters is held to decide issues.
For a complete list of the forms of government of all cities and towns in Massachusetts, see 2008-09 Massachusetts Municipal Directory, Massachusetts Municipal Association. pp 178-181. 存档副本. [2013-11-28]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-31).
Massachusetts Cities and Towns (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Retrieved January 14, 2007. As of 2005, the Massachusetts state government specifically identifies eleven municipalities as cities that call themselves "Town of ____." Those municipalities are: Agawam, Amesbury, Barnstable, Easthampton, Franklin, Greenfield, Methuen, Southbridge, Watertown, West Springfield, and Weymouth. See also Secretary of the Commonwealth: A Listing of Counties and the Cities and Towns Within (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), which indicates that there are 301 towns and 50 cities, and again specifying the eleven cities that call themselves "Town of ___" and which also indicates that the courts recognize the city attribution for those eleven municipalities. Of these, Easthampton, Greenfield, and Methuen as of 2009 call themselves as cities, and since 2005, the municipalities of Braintree, Palmer, and Winthrop have adopted city forms of government.
J.A. Fairlee, Local government in counties, towns, and villages, (The Century Co., New York, 1906), Chap. 8 (在线版) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
R.E. Murphy, "Town Structure and Urban Concepts in New England," The Professional Geographer16, 1 (1964).
J.S. Garland, New England town law : a digest of statutes and decisions concerning towns and town officers, (Boston, Mass., 1906), pp. 1–83. (在线版) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
A. Green, New England's gift to the nation—the township.: An oration, (Angell, Burlingame & Co., Providence, 1875) (在线版)
J. Parker, The origin, organization, and influence of the towns of New England : a paper read before the Massachusetts Historical Society, December 14, 1865, (Cambridge, 1867) (在线版)
S. Whiting, The Connecticut town-officer, Part I: The powers and duties of towns, as set forth in the statutes of Connecticut, which are recited, (Danbury, 1814), pp. 7–97 (在线版) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)