


CAMBION, -- Enfants des Demons. Delancre et Bodin pensent que les démons incubes peuvent s'unir aux démones succubes, et qu'il nait de leur commerce des enfants hideux qu'on nomme cambions....[1]

CAMBION, -- Child of Demons. Delancre and Bodin think that incubus demons could unite with succubus demons, and that born of their exchange were hideous children which are called cambions.....[来源请求]

Cambion一词最早则出现在一世纪的高卢(罗马帝国的法兰西)的石碑刻文上。 语言学家Benjamin W. Forston IV指出:

...cambion is from the Celtic root -kamb 'crooked', also referring to back and forth motion and exchange. It is ultimately the source for English change via late Latin cambiare, a borrowing from Celtic.[2]



女巫之槌》 中不曾使用该词描写人类与魔鬼(包括魅魔和女妖)所产下的后代,因为该书认为魔鬼是没有办法繁殖的:

Moreover, to beget a child is the act of a living body, but devils cannot bestow life upon the bodies they assume; because life formally proceeds only from the soul, and the act of generation is the act of the physical organs which have bodily life. Therefore bodies which are assumed in this way cannot either beget or bear.[3]


Yet it may be said that these devils assume a body not in order that they may bestow life upon it, but that they may by the means of this body preserve human semen, and pass the semen on to another body.[3]



在《神秘主义超心理学百科全书》(Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology)中,魔鬼受胎被认为是魅魔和女妖的后代,并且在这个产生后代的过程中不需要任何人类参与。这种的躯体在7岁之前处于没有呼吸脉搏的状态,且非常沉重(重到也没有办法载运),并且会在被触摸时哭泣[4]



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