埃德萨战役是罗马帝国与萨珊王朝之间的一场战役。由于沙普尔一世曾数次率军进攻罗马帝国,并且于公元 253年(一说256年)占领了叙利亚的安条克。 [5][4]260年,罗马帝国皇帝瓦勒良率领罗马帝国军队进攻萨珊王朝[6],并且与沙阿沙普尔一世率领的萨珊王朝军队交战,结果罗马帝国的军队被萨珊王朝击败,瓦勒良被俘虏。
Quick Facts 埃德萨之战, 日期 ...
Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity: Neighbours and Rivals "We learn that during the decisive battle near Edessa, not only high Roman officials but also the emperor Valerian himself were captured by Shapur with his own hands ... The Sasanians celebrated this victory, which was one of their greatest successes over the Western opponent, as an unparalleled triumph"
Encyclopaedia Iranica, "And in the third campaign, we set upon Carrhae and Edessa, and as we were besieging Carrhae and Edessa, Valerian Caesar came against us, and with him was a force (later specified as totaling 70,000) from the province (hštr) of the Goths and Germans (most Roman provinces are named)."
"... Valerian Caesar marched against us, and he had had with him, from [Magna] 日耳曼尼亚 (Germān-šahr), 雷蒂亚 (Rešyā-šahr), 诺里库姆 (Nirkos-šahr), 达契亚行省 (Dākyā-šahr), 默西亚 (罗马行省) (Mūsyā-šahr), 伊斯特拉半岛 (Estriyā-šahr), 西班牙 (罗马行省) (Espāniyā-šahr), 阿非利加 (罗马行省) (Afrikiyā-šahr), 色雷斯 (罗马行省) (Trākyā-šahr), 比提尼亚 (Butniyā-šahr), 亚细亚 (罗马行省) (Āsiyā-šahr), 潘菲利亚 (Pamfaliyā-šahr), 伊苏利亚 (Esuriyā-šahr), 吕考尼亚 (Lūkunyā-šahr), 加拉太 (罗马行省) (Galātenyā-šahr), Cilicia (Roman province) (Kilikiyā-šahr), Cappadocia (Roman province) (Kappadukiyā-šahr), 弗里吉亚 (Frūgiyā-šahr), 叙利亚 (罗马行省) (Sūriyā-šahr), 腓尼基 (罗马行省) (Funikiyā-šahr), 犹太 (罗马行省) (Jehūdiyā-šahr), 佩特拉阿拉伯 (Arabiyā-šahr), Mauretania (Roman province) (Murin-šahr), 日耳曼尼亚 (Germānyā-šahr) [the province], 罗得岛 (Rodās-šahr), 奥斯若恩行省 (Asenyos-šahr), and 美索不达米亚 (罗马行省) (Meyānrōdān-šahr) an army of 70 000 men." —Res Gestae Divi Saporis