
Quick Facts 小塔螺科, 科学分类 ...
live Turbonilla acutissima
Apertural view of a shell of Pyramidella acus
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 软体动物门 Mollusca
纲: 腹足纲 Gastropoda
亚纲: 异鳃亚纲 Heterobranchia
下纲: 直神经下纲 Euthyneura
群: 脊侧群 Tectipleura
总目: Pylopulmonata Pylopulmonata
总科: 塔螺总科 Pyramidelloidea
科: 小塔螺科 Pyramidellidae
J. E. Gray, 1840[1]

小塔螺科的物种分布于整个世界,有超过六千个不同的物种,合组成超过350个属与亚属[3]。由于本科物种皆属于微小贝,相关研究少,物种间支序亲缘关系英语phylogenetic并不十分清楚,大众对于各物种的归属也没有共识。举例说:单单是 Schander (1999) 就列出了超过300个属级以上的分类单元命名,并将这些分类单元整理[4]。由于近年本科在世界各地各个属的分类未再有可一般化的修订,这个科内各个分类单元仍然保持是多系群,也就是说这些分类的混乱还有一段时间。然而,从整个科来看仍然是个单系群[5]


本科物种主要分为11个亚科(Ponder & Lindberg 1997)[6]。An alternative interpretation is that the family Pyramidellidae is but one of six families within the superfamily Pyramidelloidea (Schander, van Aartsen & Corgan 1999).[7] 当中有不少罕见或不常纪录的物种。




  • Chrysallidinae Saurin, 1958
  • Cingulininae Saurin, 1959
  • Cyclostremellinae Moore, 1966
  • Eulimellinae Saurin, 1958
  • Odostomellinae Saurin, 1959
  • Odostomiinae Pelseneer, 1928
  • Pyramidellinae J.E. Gray, 1840
  • Sayellinae Wise, 1996
  • Syrnolinae Saurin, 1958
  • Tiberiinae Saurin, 1958
  • Turbonillinae Bronn, 1849


Taxonomy of Pyramidellidae by Schander, Van Aartsen & Corgan (1999):[7]

  • Superfamily Pyramidelloidea Gray, 1840
    • Family Amathinidae Ponder, 1987
    • Family Ebalidae Warén, 1994 - synonym: Anisocyclidae van Aartsen, 1995
    • Family Odostomiidae Pelseneer, 1928
      • Subfamily Odostomiinae Pelseneer, 1928
      • Subfamily Chrysallidinae Saurin, 1958
      • Subfamily Odostomellinae Saurin, 1958
      • Subfamily Cyclostremellinae Moore, 1966
    • Family Pyramidellidae J. E. Gray, 1840
      • Subfamily Pyramidellinae J. E. Gray, 1840
      • Subfamily Sayellinae Wise, 1996
    • Family Syrnolidae Saurin, 1958
      • Subfamily Syrnolinae Saurin, 1958
      • Subfamily Tiberiinae Saurin, 1958
    • Family Turbonillidae Bronn, 1849
      • Subfamily Turbonillinae Bronn, 1849
      • Subfamily Eulimellinae Saurin, 1958
      • Subfamily Cingulininae Saurin, 1959



  • Subfamily Pyramidellinae Gray, 1840
    • Tribe Pyramidellini Gray, 1840 - synonyms: Obeliscidae A. Adams, 1863 (inv.); Plotiidae Focart, 1951 (inv.)
    • Tribe Sayellini Wise, 1996 - formerly subfamily Sayellinae
  • Subfamily Odostomiinae Pelseneer, 1928
    • Tribe Odostomiini Pelseneer, 1928 - synonyms: Ptychostomonidae Locard, 1886; Liostomiini Schander, Halanych, Dahlgren & Sundberg, 2003 (n.a.)
    • Tribe Chrysallidini Saurin, 1958 - formerly subfamily Chrysallidinae, synonyms: Menesthinae Saurin, 1958; Pyrgulininae Saurin, 1959
    • Tribe Cyclostremellini D. R. Moore, 1966 - formerly subfamily Cyclostremellinae
    • Tribe Odostomellini Saurin, 1959 - formerly subfamily Odostomellinae
  • Subfamily Syrnolinae Saurin, 1958 - formerly subfamily Syrnolinae
    • Tribe Syrnolini Saurin, 1958
    • Tribe Tiberiini Saurin, 1958 - formerly subfamily Tiberiinae
  • Subfamily Turbonillinae Bronn, 1849
    • Tribe Turbonillini Bronn, 1849 - synonym: Chemnitziinae Stoliczka, 1868
    • Tribe Cingulinini Saurin, 1958 - formerly subfamily Cingulininae
    • Tribe Eulimellini Saurin, 1958 - formerly subfamily Eulimellinae
  • Pyramidellidae incertae sedis
    • Pyramidellidae incertae sedis insularis Oliver, 1915
    • Pyrabinella Faber, 2013



2017年,栖息于南太平洋深海的塔螺总科新属HelodiameaPeñas & Rolán, 2017得到确认[10]

截至2018年7月9日 (2018-07-09)WoRMS纪录小塔螺科包括下列各亚科与族[11]

  • Subfamily Cyclostremellinae D. R. Moore, 1966
  • Subfamily Odostomiinae Pelseneer, 1928
    • Tribe Chrysallidini Saurin, 1958
    • Tribe Cyclostremellini D. R. Moore, 1966
    • Tribe Odostomiini Pelseneer, 1928
  • Subfamily Pyramidellinae
    • Tribe Pyramidellini Gray, 1840
    • Tribe Sayellini Wise, 1996
  • Subfamily Syrnolinae Saurin, 1958
    • Tribe Syrnolini Saurin, 1958
    • Tribe Tiberiini Saurin, 1958
  • Subfamily Turbonillinae Bronn, 1849


The following genera are currently difficult to place within existing subtaxa of the Pyramidellidae.

  • Charilda Iredale, 1929
  • Contraxiala Laseron, 1956
  • Cossmannica Dall & Bartsch, 1904[来源请求]
  • Eulimotibera Nomura, 1939[来源请求]
  • Morrisonetta Brandt, 1968[来源请求]
  • Peristichia Dall, 1889[12]
  • Ulfa Dall & Bartsch, 1904[来源请求]
  • Vagna Dall & Bartsch, 1904[来源请求]

The following species is of uncertain placement within Pyramidellidae.

  • "Epigrus" insularis Oliver, 1915



  • Actaeopyramis P. Fischer, 1885: synonym of Monotigma G.B. Sowerby II, 1839
  • Amaura Møller, 1842: synonym of Aartsenia Warén, 1991
  • Auriculina Gray, 1847 accepted as Ondina de Folin, 1870
  • Besla Dall & Bartsch, 1904 accepted as Parthenina Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883
  • Brachystomia Monterosato, 1884: synonym of Odostomia Fleming, 1813
  • Chemnitzia d'Orbigny, 1839: synonym of Turbonilla Risso, 1826
  • Elusa A. Adams, 1861: synonym of Tropaeas Dall & Bartsch, 1904
  • Folinella Dall & Bartsch, 1904: synonym of Chrysallida Carpenter, 1856
  • Iole A. Adams, 1860: synonym of Iolaea A. Adams, 1867
  • Iolina Baily, 1948: synonym of Iolaea A. Adams, 1867
  • Ividella Dall & Bartsch, 1909 accepted as Chrysallida Carpenter, 1856
  • Lonchaeus : synonym of Longchaeus Mörch, 1875
  • Moerchiella Thiele, 1924 : synonym of Moerchia A. Adams, 1860
  • Moerchinella Thiele, 1931 accepted as Moerchia A. Adams, 1860
  • Monoptygma: synonym of Monotigma G.B. Sowerby II, 1839
  • Monotygma G.B. Sowerby II, 1839: synonym of Monotigma G.B. Sowerby II, 1839
  • Noemia de Folin, 1870: synonym of Noemiamea de Folin, 1886
  • Obeliscus Gray, 1847: synonym of Pyramidella Lamarck, 1799
  • Obex Laws, 1940 accepted as Obexomia Laws, 1941
  • Odontostoma Philippi, 1853: synonym of Odostomia Fleming, 1813
  • Odontostomia G.B. Sowerby I, 1839: synonym of Odostomia Fleming, 1813
  • Parthenia Lowe, 1840: synonym of Parthenina Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883
  • Parthenina Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1883: synonym of Chrysallida Carpenter, 1856
  • Partulida Schaufuss, 1869: synonym of Chrysallida Carpenter, 1856
  • Planipyrgiscus [sic] accepted as Planpyrgiscus Laws, 1937
  • Plotia Röding, 1798: synonym of Pyramidella Lamarck, 1799
  • Ptychostomon Locard, 1886 accepted as Odostomia Fleming, 1813
  • Pyrgulina A. Adams, 1864: synonym of Chrysallida Carpenter, 1856
  • Raoulostraca Oliver, 1915 accepted as Eulimella Forbes & M'Andrew, 1846
  • Tragula Monterosato, 1884: synonym of Chrysallida Carpenter, 1856
  • Tropeas [sic] accepted as Tropaeas Dall & Bartsch, 1904




The length of the slender, elongated (turreted or conical) shells varies between 0.5 mm and 3.5 cm, but most species in the family have shells which are smaller than 13 mm.

The texture of these shells is smooth or sculptured in various forms such as ribs and spirals. Their color is mostly white, cream or yellowish, sometimes with red or brown lines.

The shell of these snails has a blunt, heterostrophic (i.e. whorls appear to be coiled in the opposite direction to those of the teleoconch) protoconch, which is often pointed sideways or wrapped up. The teleoconch is dextrally coiled, but the larval shells are sinistral. This results in a sinistrally coiled protoconch.

The columella has usually one, but sometimes several, spiral folds. The aperture is closed by an operculum.

The operculum is ovoid and paucispiral, with the apex anterior, a thread-like arcuate ridge on the proximal side, the inner margin notched in harmony with the plaits of the pillar when prominent.


The Pyramidellidae are ectoparasites, feeding mainly on other molluscs and on annelid worms, but some are known to feed on peanut worms and crustaceans.[14][15] A few species in the family Pyramidellidae, such as Otopleura mitralis, are symbiotic with sea anemones, such as Neoaiptasia morbilla.[16]

They do not have a radula. Instead their long proboscis is used to pierce the skin of its prey and suck up its fluids and soft tissues. The eyes on the grooved tentacles are situated toward the base of the tentacles. These tentacles have a concave surface. Between the head and the propodium (the foremost division of the foot), a lobed process called the mentum (= thin projection) is visible. This mentum is slightly indented in midline.

These gastropods are hermaphrodites, laying eggs in jelly-like masses on the shell of its host. Some species have spermatophores.[4][17][18]


本科的学名源于金字塔的英语pyramid,而这亦是这些物种普遍的外型[19]。 准确点说:这些物种都呈正圆锥体的模样[20],又或是正多边形的锥体[21]




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