down the price of the additional bottle which he had himself introduced, rose as if to take leave of us. (請為本引文添加中文翻譯) 意見或判斷 day of reckoning 最後的審判日;清算之日
(à dextre, or à senestre). Thus the Von Völcker of Frankfurt bear: Argent, a rose gules, the field embrassé à senestre of the second. embrases、embrasés
the mountain-rose and the dog-rose, it is well-known with the physicians as nisrīn; Abū Ḥanīfa said the mountain-rose resembles the rose and this resembles
crusher and reduced to pulp. (請為本引文添加中文翻譯) 與蘋果相似的蔬果,例如custard apple (“釋迦,番荔枝”)、rose apple (“杯果木;蓮霧;蒲桃”)、thorn apple (“曼陀羅”)等等。(自9世紀起) 1585, Richard Eden (translating