因新冠肺炎疫情影響,於3月1號吉隆坡場後的香港場、台灣場、墨西哥場、智利場、秘魯場、杜拜場宣布取消。 首爾 Opening VCR "The Crown" "A Man In Love" "BONAMANA" "Blue World"(韓語版) First MENT VCR #1 "Heads Up" "I Think I"
History of the Denim Skirt. InStyle. 2015-07-22 [2023-10-02]. (原始内容存档于2018-01-28). Cain, Chelsea. 2004. The Hippie Handbook: how to tie-dye a T-shirt, flash
No Shirt, No Problems 2003: All I Want for Christmas Is a Real Good Tan 2004: When the Sun Goes Down 2005: Be as You Are (Songs from an Old Blue Chair)
"Abercrombie & Fitch's Blue Christmas" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Slate, December 8, 2003. Dao, James. "T-Shirt Slight Has West Virginia in Arms." The New York Times