oggi e domani) 1964年:《意大利式婚姻》(Matrimonio all'italiana) 1967年:《七段情》(WomanTimesSeven) 1968年:《淚灑相思地》(A Place for Lovers) 1971年:《費尼茲花園》(Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini)
Seven Dwarfs (1987 Re-issue). Boxoffice. [May 29, 2016]. (原始内容存档于January 8, 2019). North American box-office: $46,594,719 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
《柏林間諜戰》/《柏林葬禮》 Funeral in Berlin Harry Palmer 1967 Hurry Sundown Henry Warren WomanTimesSeven Handsome Stranger Caine appeared in the segment "Snow" 《電腦間諜戰》 Billion