1941年4月加入空降學校,同一年8月畢業。畢業後首項任務,是在新建立的實驗性部隊503旅C連中,擔任指揮官。William C. Lee 將軍接納加文的朋友William T. Ryder(空降訓練官)及 WilliamYarborough(臨時空降部隊通訊官)建議,安排他出任營運及訓練官(Operations and Training
Google 圖書 Memorials of the Order of the Garter] 请检查|url=值 (帮助). London: William Pickering. 1841. St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle: Order of the Garter
[自由派的良心]. p. 244. Krugman, Paul (2007). The Conscience of a Liberal [自由派的良心]. p. 13. Krugman, Paul (2007). The Conscience of a Liberal [自由派的良心]. p 181. Krugman