石鱉科Tonicia Gray, 1847 錦石鱉屬 Onithochiton Gray, 1847 海胆石鳖亚科 Acanthopleurinae Dall (英语:W . H . Dall ), 1889 海胆石鳖属 Acanthopleura Guilding, 1829 駝石鱉屬 Liolophura Enoplochiton
擬銼蛤科Dall (英语:W . H . Dall ), 1908 Limarca Tate, 1886 擬銼蛤屬 Limopsis Sassi, 1827:又名笠蚶屬,外殼一般比較平滑。 Limopsis affinis A. E. Verrill, 1885 Limopsis antillensis Dall (英语:W
透螺科(Jeffreys, 1864) Distribution : Norway to the 锡利群岛. Diaphana floridana W .H . Dall (英语:W .H . Dall ), 1927 Distribution : Georgia Length : 4 mm Diaphana globosa Lovén
唱片蛤屬B. Sowerby I, 1833) Semele rubropicta W . H . Dall (英语:W . H . Dall ), 1871 Semele rupicola W . H . Dall (英语:W . H . Dall ), 1915 Semele rupium (G. B. Sowerby I,
猿頭蛤科T. Brown, 1827 Lepton Turton(英语:William Turton), 1822 Mancikellia Dall (英语:W . H . Dall ), 1899 Melliteryx Iredale(英语:Tom Iredale), 1924 Montacuta Turton(英语:William