基督的人性的意志,甘愿服从他天主性的全能意志。 Philip, Schwerin, How the Bishop of Rome Assumed the Title of "VicarofChrist", 頁5, "Sixth Ecumenical Council (680 AD) - Condemned
將君士坦丁堡教會的地位提高到羅馬教會之上。 承认天使有等级之分。 Schwerin, Philip, How the Bishop of Rome Assumed the Title of "VicarofChrist", 頁5, '"Pope Vigilius wrote a treatise for home consumption
《迦克墩公會議法規》第28條 Schwerin, Philip, How the Bishop of Rome assumed the title of "VicarofChrist", 頁5 Philip Schaff. NPNF2-14. The Seven Ecumenical Councils
Dei)(英語:Bishop of Rome, Vicarof Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop