正义与发展党 (土耳其) With the third term of the party’s rule (2011- 2015), the Sunni- Turkish nationalism has become the focal point in the discourse of the party since the
土耳其民族主義In the prevailing literature, the term ultra-nationalism is often used to describe Turkish nationalism . tcmb.gov.tr Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Kağıt Paraları
土耳其的种族主义和歧视基斯坦人和非洲移民等中东国民的种族主义有所增加。 Xypolia, Ilia. Racist Aspects of Modern Turkish Nationalism . Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. 2016-02-18, 18 (2):
北賽普勒斯安全部隊、空中、海上武裝部隊所組成的聯合武裝力量。 安全部隊受到駐紮在島上約17,500至30,000人的土耳其駐北賽普勒斯部隊(英语:Cyprus Turkish Peace Force Command)所支持。 根據1959年的《蘇黎世協定》及塞浦路斯共和國憲法,1960年成立的塞浦路斯軍隊由六成的希
管禮雅 1992 Nationalism : Five Roads to Modernity, Harvard University Press (Portuguese translation 1998; Spanish 2005; Russian 2008; Chinese 2010; Turkish , 2016)