A vote on the death penalty will kill the argument. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2003-08-12 [2021-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-23). Mogahed, Dalia. The Battle
Stern)宣佈他在發行一個廣告,呼籲他的聽眾投票支持辛扎雅勝出《美國偶像》 一些斯登的長期聽眾如醉酒傑夫(Jeff The Drunk),聲稱要給辛扎雅投最少三百票。網誌—「投票给最差」(Vote for the Worst),繼廿四強選手安東妮拉·芭芭和森丹斯·亨特被淘汰後,辛扎雅便成了第六季的十二強中「投票给最差」的目標人物
and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that