国际和平局Weapons (NPT) Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) World Court Project Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) Currently, the IPB is
柏林四强协定international status of West Berlin. Site of the Four Power Talks on the Status of Berlin. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Photo series on the 1970 treaty se ssions.
穆罕默德五世 (奥斯曼帝国)M. Taylan Sorgun, "Bitmeyen Savas", 1972. Memoirs of Halil Pasa Uşi (Ouchy) Antlaşması [Treaty of Ouchy]. Bildirmem.com. 31 May 2009 [24 August 2010]
瑞典人to an end by a peace treaty in 1323, dividing the Karelian peninsula and the northern areas between the two countries." Franklin D . Scott, Sweden: The
芬蘭—北約關係蘭政府在許多事物上都得與蘇聯妥協,比如被迫拒絕美國馬歇爾計劃的經濟援助。在這之後芬蘭與蘇聯簽訂了YYA條約(英语:Finno-Soviet Treaty of 1948),正式確立了兩國的外交關係。在冷戰期間,芬蘭遵循著「芬蘭化」政策,即芬蘭在名義上保持其內政獨立,但其國際事務上須順從蘇聯,以免與