侵权行为 Markesinis & Deakin's Tort Law . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-928246-3. Mark Lunney, Ken Oliphant, Tort Law - Texts, Cases (2003)
加拿大侵權法加拿大侵權法(英語:Canadian tort law )涉及加拿大司法管轄範圍內對侵權行為的處理(除魁北克省外)。只要一種行為是導致某人的身體、精神或經濟上受到損失的錯誤作為(wrongful act)或傷害(injury),且其他人可能對此負有法律責任,此行為即屬侵權行為。侵權法的兩個主要類別是蓄意侵權(intentional
風險承擔 Vargo, John F. Comparative Fault: A Need for Reform of Indiana Tort Law . Indiana Law Review. 1978, 11: 832 [29 November 2017]. 同意 自擔風險(英语:Volenti non
比較過失 都是原告的疏忽造所成的甚至是最低限度的損失、即不允許原告的任何追償。 Larson, Aaron. Negligence and Tort Law . ExpertLaw . 21 December 2016 [5 September 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-06). Schwartz
垃圾科学development has led to a deep and growing cynicism about the ability of tort law to deal with difficult scientific and medical concepts in a principled