(原始内容存档于2009-01-24). Tom Clancy. NNDB. 1999-06-26 [2010-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2010-02-12). Paperback Writer, The New Republic, May 25, 2004. 23 October 2007. Tom Clancy
The Annotated Guide to Stephen King: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography of the Works of America's Premier Horror Writer. Starmont House. 1986. ISBN 0-930261-80-1
計畫,命名為「第一章:諸神與怪物」(Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters),而其中一部電影為改編自湯姆·金(英语:TomKing (writer))和比奎斯·艾芙莉(Bilquis Evely)的迷你漫畫系列《超少女:明日之女(英语:Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow
Fleming, Jr., Mike. Legendary’s ‘Skull Island'; Tom Hiddleston Stars, Jordan Vogt-Roberts Helms King Kong Origin Tale. Deadline. 2014-09-16 [2014-09-16]